Recent Visiting Scholars
Dr. Larry Steeves, Dr. Bonnie Stelmach & Cornelia Laliberte

In May 2015, Dr. Larry Steeves, University of Regina, Dr. Bonnie Stelmach, University of Alberta; and Cornelia Laliberte, Coordinator, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education, Greater Catholic Schools, presented their research entitled “Seeking Their Voices: Insights from Saskatchewan Aboriginal High Schools about improving Teaching and Learning.” Through interviews and focus groups the Seeking Their Voices team of researchers asked Saskatchewan Aboriginal students, parents, teachers, and administrators about what would help to improve student learning for Aboriginal high school students. Six schools participated in the 2014 study. The final report, Seeking Their Voices: Improving Indigenous learning outcomes, was released in February 2015.
Dr. Catherine Odora Hoppers

Dr. Catherine Odora Hoppers is the South African Research Chair in Development Education, University of South Africa at Pretoria and the author of Rethinking Thinking: Modernity's "Other" and the Transformation of the University (2012) and Indigenous Knowledge and the Integration of Knowledge Systems (2002).
Presentation: "Cognitive Justice and the Transformation of the Academy", College of Education, April, 2014
Dr. Lynne Harata Te Aika & Dr. Richard Manning

In September 2013 Dr. Lynne Harata Te Aika, and Dr. Richard Manning, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand gave a presentation entitled, “Place Based Education with Indigenous Learners and Implications for Teacher Education.” This presentation focused on treaty education within Maori and New Zealand context. It also addressed issues related to culturally-based Indigenous pedagogy and program Indigenization with pre K-12 and post-secondary contexts.
Roe Bubar J.D.

Roe Bubar is an Associate Professor, Jointly Appointed in the Department of Ethnic Studies and the School of Social Work at Colorado State University. Her current research aganda considers intersectionality and sexual violence, health disparities, child maltreatment in tribal communities and Native youth and STD/STI messaging. Bubar has over 20 years of experience in the field and continues to work with tribes, states, federal agencies and NGOs in tribal communities on a variety of research issues, child sexual abuse cases and other related projects.
Presentation: "U.S. Tribes Regain Criminal Jurisdiction Over Non-Native Offenders," College of Education, March 2013.
Past Visitors
2012, Dr. Shane Edwards (Ngāti Maniapoto), Executive Director Curriculum & Research, University Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, New Zealand
2012, Dr. Amanda Woods-McConney, Murdoch University in Western Australia, Science Education
2011, Lori New Breast, member of the Amskapipikuni (Blackfeet) Nation (Montana)
2010, Dr. Freddy Delgado, Executive Director of AGRUCO at the Universidad Cochabamba in Boliva, and Director of the international program called Capacity and Theory Building for Universities and Research Centres in Endogenous Development (CAPTURED) & Mr. Bertus Haverkort, Visiting Professor from the Netherlands, working with universities sponsoring CAPTURED in Ghana and India
2009, Christine Evans (Wiradjuri), Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: Education, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
2009, Dr. Solveig Joks (Sami), a member of the Norwegian council visiting from Norway
2008, Brian Debus, visiting principal of Menindee Central School located in the far west of New South Wales, Australia
2008, Cheryl Koop, a recipient of the Churchill Fellowship in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia
2008, Dr. Isobel Findlay, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing, Edwards School of Business and Academic Director, CED and Social Economy, Community-University Institute for Social Research, University of Saskatchewan
2008, Dr. Nancy Maryboy (Cherokee and Navajo descent), Visiting Professor and Adjunct Faculty for North West Indian College in Bellingha, WA.
2007, Ningwakwe George (Elder and Advisor), a national speaker for the National Indigenous Literacy Network (NILA)
2007, Sue Wilson Cheechoo (memer of Moose Cree First Nation, on Moose Factory Island), Phd Candidate that was in her final year at the University of Saskatchewan, in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology
2007, Dr. Bater Chen, Associate Professor in higher education research institute in Nankai University, Tianjin, China
2007, Dr. Ocean Mercier (Maori),PhD in physics and Lecturer in Maori Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2007, Dr. Dale Auger (Sakaw Cree), a renowned comedian and motivational speaker from Bigstone Cree Nation in Northern Alberta.